英文のしくみ2  疑問文とその返事    プリントゆうえんちにもどる    こたえを見る  1へ

問3 矢印に従って、横に進めていきなさい。
  [ もとの文 ]                   [ ふつうの疑問文 ]                 [ Yes と No で答える ]
(1) This is your notebook.───────→ (   )(   ) your notebook ? ─────→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(2) Those books are her brother's.───→ (   )(   )(   ) her brother's ? ───→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(3) You are a good friend.───────→ (   )(   ) a good friend ? ──────→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(4) Your sister is at home with Nancy.──→ (   )(   )(   ) at home with Nancy ? → Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(5) Emily's father is good at playing tennis.→ (   )(   )(   ) good at playing tennis ? → Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(6) You are happy with many comic books.→(   )(   ) happy with many comic books ?→Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(7) You are a good English speaker.────→(   )(   ) a good English speaker ? ──→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(8) This picture is yours.────────→ (   )(   )(   ) yours ? ──────→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(9) These girls are studying Japanese.──→(   )(   )(   ) studying Japanese ? ──→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(10) She is playing the piano now.────→(   )(   ) playing the piano now ? ───→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).

問4 矢印に従って、横に進めていきなさい。
  [ もとの文 ]                    [ ふつうの疑問文 ]                  [ Yes と No で答える ]
(1) You have lunch in the room.──────→(   )(   )(   ) lunch in the room ? ──→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(2) You like tennis and baseball.──────→(   )(   )(   ) tennis and baseball ? ─→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(3) They go to the house every day.────→(   )(   )(   ) to the house every day ? → Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(4) He has lunch in the classroom.─────→(   )(   )(   ) lunch in the classroom ? → Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(5) She likes tennis and baseball.──────→(   )(   )(   ) tennis and baseball ? ─→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(6) Tom goes to the house on Sundays.──→(   )(   )(   ) to the house on Sundays ? → Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(7) Your brother plays the piano very well.─→(   )(   )(   )(   ) the piano very well ? → Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(8) His sister likes reading books.────→(   )(   )(   )(   ) reading books ? ───→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(9)You go to her home.──────────→(   )(   )(   ) to her home ? ────→ Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).
(10)Your brother studies English every day.─→(   )(   )(   )(   ) English every day ? → Yes,(   )(   ). // No,(   )(   ).