Seiko & Toru Yamamoto Profile

Seiko Yamamoto ・・・

Hobby: embroidery.
She traveled around Northern Europe together.Northern Europe Hyper Link

Toru Yamamoto

TheMatuyama city in the Ehime prefecture lives in Japan.
Government official ,working for an administrative organization named the Ehime Univesity.
Hobby (my home page) : travel around all parts of the world every year.

Koji Yamamoto

1 person the child and Koji Yamamoto .

Hiroko Yamamoto

His wife is Hiroko Yamamoto.

Shieko Okuda.

Our mother is Shieko Okuda.
She lives in Kobe City.
She is good at Oshie.
She prints it to the Oshie home page.

Cat "chibi "

the member in my house,her name is "Kuro" .