Denmark straight -By way of Oslo & Sweden
‚gø‚Ž‚…‚†‚‚“‚“ , ‚s‚™ri‚†‚Š‚‚’‚„‚…‚Ž


Hønefoss - turistguide map

The name "Hønefoss"

consists of the two parts "høne" and "foss", but the first part has nothing to do with todays interpreting of the word, which would be a "hen". The first part though derive of the name "Hønen",which once was a large farm in the northern area of the falls. The farm still exist, but no one seem to know what the meaning of the this name is. This farm though, gave name to the town. The last part (foss) simply means "falls".




The 5th largest lake in Norway-‚s‚™ri‚†‚Š‚‚’‚„‚…‚Ž-

Lake Tyri is the 5th (4th by nature) largest lake in Norway, covering 137 km2, and to ou point of view fare the most beautiful of them all. The name "Tyri" is said to origin from the godess named "Thyra", a goddess of the Norse mythology, but this is of course not very likely. The name though probably derives of the actual shape of the lake, perhaps in a combination with the surrounding pine forests, which happen to look just like a Resinous Pine Root (tyrirot). In English the lake would probably have been called "Lake Pine" or "Lake Resinous".

It is refuel- Hønefoss-(4¥26) in the filling station as for gasoline.

The rest is eaten in the filling station to refuel gasoline and the wiener is eaten for the sweets replacement in the restaur




Children-Hønefoss - of local where plays in coverage

A near child came when refueling in the filling station and came to play .



ŒiŸ’n |‚s‚™ri‚†‚Š‚‚’‚„‚…‚ŽŒÎ”È|‚d‚P‚U|

Hole kommune
Hole kommune turisme


Landets fjerde største innsjø Den ligger 63 meter over havet. Den største dybden er 295 meter. Tyrifjorden har en egenartet
form med fire armer; den grunne Steinsfjorden i nordøst, Holsfjorden i sørøst. Nordfjorden i nordvest og den sørvestre armen der Dramselva har sitt avløp. Tyrifjorden er den mest artsrike fjorden i Norge.






