
Ai---Love, Harmony
Ai hanmi---Mutual stance
Aiki---Harmonizing of Ki
Aikido---The Way of Harmony
Aikidoka---One who practices Aikido
Aiki jinja---Aiki Shrine
Aiki ken---Aiki sword techniques
Aiki okami---The Great Spirit of Aiki
Aiki seishin---Aiki spirit
Amaterasu oh mi kami---Highest deity of Shinto 
Ame no ukihashi---The floating bridge in heaven 
Ara mitama---The spirit of fire
Ashi---Leg, foot
Ashi moto---The space in front of one's feet

Banyu aigo---Universal love and compassion
Bokken---Wooden training sword
Bu---Martial ardor
Budo---Martial ways
Budoka---Martial way practitioner
Bujutsu---The art of fighting
Bushido---The way of the samurai

Chinkon kishin---Calming the spirit and returning to the divine
Chudan---Middle-level sword stance

Dan---Black-belt rank
Deai---Coming out
Dojo---Training hall
Doka---Songs of the Way

En no irimi---Circular entry
Eri dori---Collar grasp

Fudo no shisei---Immovable posture
Fudoshin---Immovable mind

Gassho---Formal placing together of the palms of the hands used by Buddhists  
Gasshuku---Intensive training camp in which students live together for an unbroken period of time
Gedan---Lower level
Gedan gaeshi---A circular movement with the jo aimed at the lower part of the opponent's body
Gokui---Enlightenment of Budo
Gokyo---Number five pinning technique
Gyaku hanmi---Reverse stance
Gyaku yokomen---A side strike at the right side of the opponent's head

Hachi no ji---A movement based on the shape of the Japanese character for eight
Hachi riki---The Eight Powers
Hakama---Traditionar skirts worn over the Dogi 
Hanmi---Half open stance
Hanmi handachi---Techniques in which one person is standing and the other sitting
Hara---Center of energy
Harai---A movement intended to sweep an opponent's sword or jo away or down
Hasso---A posture where the jo or sword is held vertically at the right shoulder
Hasso gaeshi---A movement from the basic stance to the hasso posture
Hito---Human being
Hitoe mi---Same as Ura Sankaku
Hombu dojo---Headquarters Training Hall 

Ichirei shikon---One spirit four souls
Ikkyo---Number one pinning technique
Iku musubi---Kototama of Su, the symbol of fire and the triangle 
Inochi---Motive power of life
Irimi---Entering technique
Irimi nage---Entering throw

Jo---A round stick usually of oak about 50-in. long and 1-in. in diameter
Jodan---Upper level
Jodan gaeshi---A circular movement with the jo amied at the upper Part of the opponent' body
Jo dori---Jo taking
Juji nage---Crossed arms throw

Kaiten nage---Rotating throw
Kami---Deity, Divine spirit
Kami musubi no kami---Deity of objective consciousness 
Kamiwaza---Inspired, divine technique
Kannagara no michi---Way of the gods
Kata---A series of movements designed to teach form and basik movement
Katate dori---Wrist grab
Katsujin ken---The way of winning a sword battle without harming the opponent
Ken---Japanese sword
Kenjutsu---Sword techniques
Kesa giri---A diagonal sword-cut to the neck of chest
Ki---The vital force of the body
Kiai---Full of ki
Kikai tanden---Ocean field of ki
Ki musubi---The uniting of one's own ki with that of the opponent
Kirihiraku---Cut and open
Kobukan---The name of the Founder's original training hall in Tokyo
Kokyu---Animating breath
Kokyu ho---Breath meditation
Kokyu ryoku---Breath power
Kokyu undo---Breath movement
Kote gaeshi---A throw made by an out ward turn of the opponent's wrist
Kototama---Sacred words 
Kumi tachi---Two-person sword practice
Kuro obi---Blak belt
Kushi mitama---The spirit of heaven
Kyu---White-belt rank

Ma ai---Combative distance
Masakatsu agatsu---By acting in accordance with the truth we always emerge victorious
Michi---The way of life
Mitama---Spirit and soul
Mitama shizume---Bringing the soul to peace through activity
Morote dori---A grasp of the wrist by both hands of and opponent
Mu---The invisible energy world
Mushin---Mind without attachment or ego

Nagare gaeshi---To make a strike to the front and then a strike or thrust to the rear in one flowing movement
Nage---A throw
Nigi mitama---The spirit of water
Nikkyo---Number two pinning technique

Ogi---Highest or secret teaching
Omote---The attacker's front
Omote ura---Forward, backward
Omoto kyo---The Teaching of the Great Origin 
Osensei---Great teacher

Renshu---Practice through repetition
Riai---The relationship between methods of using the ken, jo, and taijutsu
Ryote dori---Both hands held

Saki mitama---The spirit of earth
Sangen---Three Origins
Sankaku no irimi---Triangular entry
Sankyo---Number three pinning technique
Sarutahiko okami---Pioneer deity of justice and righteousness
Satori---Zen term for enlightenment
Seigan---Middle-level sword stance
Seiza---Correct sitting, calm sitting
Senpai---Senior student
Senju kannon---Kannon of one thousand arms
Sente---To take initiative
Shihan---Master instructor
Shiho---Four directions
Shiho giri---Four-directions cut
Shiho hai---Four-directions respect
Shiho nage---Four-directions throw
Shikko---Knee walking
Shinken shobu---Fight to the death
Shinto---The way of the gods
Shinshin toitsu---Body-mind unification
Shobu---Martial way of wisdom
Shomen uchi---Also called men uchi, A straight strike at the head with the hand or ken 
Shugyo---Spiritual training or polishing
Shuren dojo---The neme of the dojo founded by Osensei in Iwama
Shuto---Hand sword
Soto mawari---Turning out
Su---Ruler of the Kototama
Suburi---A single movement using the ken or jo done as a solo practice
Suki---An opening or weak point
Suwari waza---Practicing on one's knees

Tachi---The japanese sword
Tachi dori---Techniques of taking an opponcnt's sword and throwing him
Taijutsu---Body Arts, The techniques of Aikido done without weapons 
Taizo---The lower world
Tai atari---Whole-body connection
Tai no tenkan---The basic blending practice
Tai sabaki---Body movement
Taka ama hara---The high Heavenly plain
Takami musubi no kami---Deity of subjective consciousness
Take---Martial ardor
Takemusu aiki---Inexhaustible Fount of Aiki
Tama---Precious stones
Tamashii---Human spirit and soul
Tamatsume musubi---One Spirit, For Souls and Eight Powers functioning harmoniously together
Tanden---Burning place of energy center
Taninsu gake---Multiple attack
Tanren---Same as Renshu
Tanren uchi---A practice for developing the hips. Usually done by hitting a bundle of dranches with a bokken
Tanto---Wooden practice knife
Tanto dori---Taking away the knife
Taru musubi---Kototama, symbol of water and the circle
Tatsu---To stand
Tatsujin---A master of Budo
Tenchi---Heaven and earth
Tenchi nage---Heaven-earth throw
Tenkan---A pivot to dissipate an opponent's force
Toma---A great distance
Tsuki---A thrust 
Tsurugi---Japanese sword

Uchi---A strike
Uchi deshi---Inner disciple
Uchi mawari---Turn-in
Uchi tachi---Person who attacks
Uchikomi---To take a step forward and strike
Uchu---The universe
Ueshiba juku---The name of the Founder's first Dojo
Uke---Aperson who receives an attack. The opposite of Kogeki
Uke tachi---Person who receives the attack
Umu---To give birth
Ura---The attacker's back
Ura Sankaku---The back triangle stance, hitoemi
Ushiro---Uke's back
Ushiro waza---Rear techniques


Yokomen uchi---Side blow to the head
Yonkyo---Number four pinning technique
Yudansha---Black-belt holder

Zanshin---Unbroken concentration
# Bibliography
Andre Nocquet : AIKIDO, Heart and Sword. 1996.
Bansen Tanaka : Aikido Sinzui. 1975. 
Gozo Shioda : Dynamic AIKIDO. 1968.
Hideo Takahashi : Takemusu Aiki. 1976.
John Stevens : AIKIDO, The Way of Harmony. 1985. 
Kanemoto Sunadomari : Founder of Aikido Ueshiba Morihei : 1969.
Kisshomaru Ueshiba : The Spirit of Aikido. 1969.
Morihei Ueshiba : BUDO, Teaching of the Founder of Aikido. 1938.
Morihiro Saito : AIKIDO, Sword-Jo and Body Relationship. 1973.
William Gleason : The Spiritual Foundations of Aikido. 1995.

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Never reproduce or republicate without written permission.

特定非営利活動法人 合気道武産会
E-mail : naoaki.uchida@gmail.com