プリントゆうえんち    1解答  2  2解答  How many 〜 ?  How many 〜 ?解答

下線部を問う疑問文にしなさい。 を思い出しながら解いてみよう! 
What(何?)   When(いつ?)   Where(どこ?)   How(どうやって?)   などを使います。

  (1) You have some books in your bag .
  (2) You have some books in your bag .
  (3) You saw Emily at the station three days ago .    ← saw (see 会う、の過去形)
  (4) You saw Emily at the station three days ago .
  (5) Yumi cooked this dinner with the cooking book .    ← with the cooking book 「料理の本を使って
  (6) Yumi is making the cake in the kitchen .    ← 現在進行形だ。 kitchen (台所)
  (7) The boys are studying English in their classroom now .    ← they−their−them のtheir
  (8) The boys are studying English in their classroom now .
  (9) Taro will buy the game at that shop next Sunday .    ← 未来形だ。 buy (買う)
  (10) Taro will buy the game at that shop next Sunday .