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vol.6 「gui詩gui詩」 Poetry Reading





朗読 D.W.Wright  


FORTY WINDS (Six pieces from a '96 journal)

At night sometimes I catch myself
talking shamelessly.Just running
on. Already afraid of the silence
in the late evening, when I fall
into a rage of contention. Fall
down in the dark of my southern
born soul. With my animal heart
and the flying forty winds of
my spirit. Incapable
of talking small talk anymore.

I feel my figure as a threat.
I feel it figured ahead of me
in her moving a little faster
off in the late night dark.
She would like to disappear.
I would like to call out to her:
I am no one you need fear!
But in my head I become her,
trembling at a blade's edge.
I am made a man, a monster.

In the labyrinth, hearing
harsh breath of the beast --
of the Minotaur. I lean
on a wall. I rub my thumb
down that plaster reality.
In this nightmare a sun
is shining. White walls
and the wine of song.

(The Consummation of Emily Dickinson)

What be writes he thinks
is more real than the real.
Out of emptiness. Compensation?
But then he remembers
the melon, packed in ice -
he considers the poetics
of unfed desire. Decides:
Who cares what he writes?

The fire in the mirror is that part of him
he can't forgive. That chamber
of his heart where the will to die
still resides. Still ignites. Destroyer
of love. Withholder of grace. Fire
that feeds on the hate in his eyes.
          To live you must love
even this, your death-wish --
inextricable from your life.

The present moment (backlit
by a past still crackling
in flames) is hard
to make out. Human figures
walk toward me -
dark-faced and obscure.
Where I am, I can't tell
a glance from a glare,
while to them in turn
I seem to be wincing -
grimacing and turning
my face full away.


ヘイデン・カルース「雲と岩から、混沌から」沢崎順之助共訳 4635円 書肆山田
現在 粕谷栄市の散文詩を英訳した翻訳詩誌「邂逅」を発行中。

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